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30 Countries and 12 Languages, Exclusively Delivered in Thailand by

AcComm & Image International

Over 95% of communication is informal. Think on Your Feet® is the only workshop that addresses these situations, providing the skills you need to present, defend, and discuss a position persuasively and fast. The special skills that help you perform well even under limited time and under pressure.

You will gain confidence and credibility in the situations such as; unexpected communication, communicating changes, off-the-cuff discussions, elevator speeches, Q&A, meetings, summaries, status updates, conference calls, interview /press etc. Our practices will help participants develop a new mindset and skills set that are crucial for their success in business, relationships and personal life.

Benefits:  Decreased cost, improved productivity, avoided costs of ambiguity.  Increased revenue, more persuasive people, business advantages, customers and employees engagement.

This two-day, customizable workshop will teach you how to:
* Use the best communication strategy for any situation.

* Structure a topic into bite-sized chunks for easy retention.

* Present ideas clearly, concisely and memorably.

More information

Think on Your Feet® is a registered trademark and an intellectual property that has copyright. AcComm & Image is the only authorized and legally qualified company who is able to deliver Think on Your Feet® in Thailand.

การลอกเลียนแบบเนื้อหาหรือองค์ความรู้ใดๆ หรือส่วนใดส่วนหนึ่งของหลักสูตร รวมถีงดัดแปลงใช้ชื่อ
เพื่อนำไปใช้ ถือเป็นสิ่งผิดกฎหมาย และจะได้รับการติดตามดำเนินการทางกฏหมาย
โดย Think on Your Feet ®International.
รับชม สัมภาษณ์ ดร. อัจฉรา จุ้ยเจริญ ในรายการผู้หญิงคนเก่ง กล่าวถึง Think on Your Feet® และการโค้ช


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7 AcComm & Image International. All rights reserved.
188/49, Habitown, Wacharapon Road, Bangkok 10220
Tel. (66) 2
197 4588-89, (66) 89 924 5985
Fax. (66) 2
197 4590 Email: info@spg-asia.com